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Sasha was a lively bubbly charactor, highly gifted in musical talents. He joined the Nomads looking for company and people to entertain, and soon became best friends with Dal, unlike the mallrats Sasha had a relaxed down to earth views about life  and thaught it couldn't be all that bad, besides the virus what else could go wrong?, The locos? lol...

The Nomads made him and Dal feel relaxed and at home but when his back was turned they have already captured Dal and stopped him from going back to the mall, made him a prisoner. Sasha was soon to join him chained up in a tent.

Forced to go to the gathering as Queen Ebony's slaves, the Mallrats soon saves the day rescuing both Sasha and Dal .

The Mallrats loved Sasha and made him feel welcomed in the mall except Bray who saw Sasha was winning Ambers heart. Bray made his angry feelings known to Sasha and wanted him to leave the mall for good.

His short lived time at the mall was spent telling the children stories, making puppets and shows, he really had his way with the kids, a sort of cuddly father figure.

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